
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DAIE stands for Direction des Affaires Internationales et des Échanges (French: Department of International Affairs and Exchanges) DAIE stands for Délégation aux Affaires Internationales et Européennes (French: Delegation to International and European Affairs) DAIE stands for Diffusion Auto Industrielle Électricité (French: Auto Industrial Electricity Distribution) DAIE stands for Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion, and Equity (standards)


DALF stands for Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (French) DALF stands for Denver Area Labor Federation (Colorado) DALF stands for Digital Archive of Letters by Flemish Authors and Composers from the 19th and 20th Century DALF stands for Drive Average Load Factor


DALT stands for Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies DALT stands for Duct Air Leakage Test DALT stands for Department of the Army Liaison Team DALT stands for Distributed Artificial Life Toolkit DALT stands for District Achievement Level Tests DALT stands for Danish Autolog Team DALT stands for Drop Altitude


DALE stands for Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy DALE stands for Drug Abuse Law Enforcement DALE stands for DePaul Alliance for Latino Empowerment (Chicago, IL) DALE stands for Directorate of Ammunition, Logistics & Engineering


DAMADICS stands for Development and Application of Methods for Actuator Diagnosis in Industrial Control Systems


DAMB stands for Dingo Ate My Baby DAMB stands for Défense Antimissile Balistique (French: Ballistic Missile Defense) DAMB stands for Dallas Association of Mortgage Brokers (Dallas, TX) DAMB stands for Delhi Agricultural Marketing Board (India) DAMB stands for Direct-Acting Mechanical-Bucket (automotive tappet valve train) DAMB stands for Deoxycholate amphotericin B DAMB stands for Domestic Affairs […]


DAMD stands for Directed Amplification of Minisatellite-Region DNA DAMD stands for Dream Automotive Development & Design (Japan) DAMD stands for Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design (computer science) DAMD stands for Digital Asset Management Database DAMD stands for Dis-Section Architecture, Media, Design (Philadelphia, PA) DAMD stands for Diabetes-Associated Microvascular Dermatoses DAMD stands for Development of ASEAN (Association […]


CAETS stands for Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences CAETS stands for Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits (est. 1898; UK) CAETS stands for Centro Anglicano de Estudios Teológicos Superiores (Guatemala)