
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CADEM stands for Computer Aided Design, Engineering, & Manufacturing System


CAdES stands for CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax) Advanced Electronic Signature CADES stands for Caisse d’Amortissement de la Dette Sociale (French: Sinking Fund of the Social Debt) CADES stands for Coordination des Acteurs de l’Economie Sociale (French: Coordination of Actors of the Social Economy)


CADET stands for Can’t Add Doesn’t Even Try CADET stands for Computer-Aided Design Experimental Translator CADET stands for Compass to True Add East (mnemonic for working on navigation charts) CADET stands for Course of Action Display & Evaluation Tool CADET stands for Community Agency for Development Employment and Training (Australia) CADET stands for Covariance Analysis […]


CADF stands for China-Africa Development Fund (est. 2006) CADF stands for Centralised Airspace Data Function CADF stands for Confederate Arcing Deadeye Fighters (gaming clan) CADF stands for China Aviation Development Foundation CADF stands for Comité de l’Abus de Droit Fiscal (French: Committee on Tax Law Abuse) CADF stands for Committee for Advanced DBMS (Database Management […]


CADI stands for Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (Minnesota) CADI stands for Center for Alternative Development Initiatives CADI stands for Custom Application Development & Integration (Cisco) CADI stands for Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (Scientific Instrumentation Ltd.) CADI stands for California Death Index CADI stands for Chronic Allograft Damage Index CADI stands for Coronary Artery Disease […]


CADIP stands for Canadian Alliance for Development Initiatives and Projects (Canada) CADIP stands for Center for Architectures for Data-Driven Information Processing (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) CADIP stands for California Diversion Programs, Inc. (Canoga Park, CA) CADIP stands for Carrier Air Defense Improvement Program


CADIS stands for Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey CADIS stands for Community Asset and Development Information System (Arkansas) CADIS stands for Consistent Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling (variance reduction method used with Monte Carlo simulations) CADIS stands for Communication Architecture for Distributed Interactive Simulation CADIS stands for Coronary Artery Disease in Saudis (cardiology study; Saudi Arabia)


CADISE stands for Consortium of Art & Design Institutions in the South East (UK consortium of Arts, Design and Communication Higher Education Colleges) CADISE stands for Cross-section Analysis with Data Interpolation on a Standard-Energy grid (formerly GERALDINE)


CADIUS stands for Comunidad de Arquitectura de Información y Usabilidad (Spanish: Information Architecture and Usability Community) CADIUS stands for Call Assurance Design Integrated User Support (Ping Tone)


CADL stands for Caro Area District Library (Michigan) CADL stands for Compact Aerial Data Logger (flight test) CADL stands for Cheesecake Anti-Defamation League CADL stands for Computer Architecture Design Laboratory CADL stands for Computer Aided Design Laboratory (Supercomputer Education and Research Institute; Indian Institute of Science; Bangalore, India) CADL stands for Communicative Activities of Daily […]