
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DAGC stands for Diabetes Association of Greater Cleveland (est. 1954; Cleveland, OH) DAGC stands for Divers Aménagements en Génie Civil (French: Various Arrangements in Civil Engineering; Morocco) DAGC stands for Digital Audio Gain Control DAGC stands for Drawing And Graphics Committee


CACTI stands for Cache Access and Cycle Time Model (computer engineering) CACTI stands for Contract Award Cycle Time Instrument (AFMC)


CACV stands for Contemporary Art Center of Virginia (Virginia Beach, VA) CACV stands for Community Art Council of Vancouver (Canada) CACV stands for Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley Railroad CACV stands for Camallino Armored Combat Vehicle CACV stands for Chinese Alliance Church of Victoria (Burwood, Victoria, Australia)


CACW stands for Cactus Wren (bird species Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) CACW stands for Chinese-American Composite Wing CACW stands for Commission for Australian Catholic Women CACW stands for Classical Association of the Canadian West CACW stands for Closed Air Circuit Water Cooled CACW stands for Core Auxiliary Cooling Water CACW stands for Charge Air Cooling Water (generators)


CAD stands for CAD Canadian Dollar CAD stands for CAD Computer-Aided Design CAD stands for CAD Computer-Aided Detection CAD stands for CAD Computer-Aided Drafting CAD stands for CAD Computer-Aided Dispatch CAD stands for CAD County Appraisal District CAD stands for CAD Computer-Assisted Design CAD stands for CAD Central Appraisal District CAD stands for CAD Cadillac […]


CAD/CAE stands for Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering