
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


DCAF stands for Democratic Control of Armed Forces DCAF stands for Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (Geneva, Switzerland) DCAF stands for Delegated CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) Authentication and Authorization Framework DCAF stands for Distributed Console Access Facility DCAF stands for Discipline Control and Assurance Framework (engineering) DCAF stands for Department of […]


DCAL stands for Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (UK) DCAL stands for Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre (University College London; UK) DCAL stands for Detroit Community AIDS Library DCAL stands for Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning (Dartmouth College; Hanover, NH) DCAL stands for Dual Caliper Log (energy production) DCAL stands for […]


DCAPE stands for Downdraft convective available potential energy


DCATS stands for Defense Communications and Army Transmission Systems DCATS stands for Double-Contained Acid Transfer System (semiconductors)


DCBP stands for Double Check Backflow Preventer (various companies) DCBP stands for Drosophila CREB-Binding Protein DCBP stands for Division of Community Based Programs (US DHHS) DCBP stands for Design, Concept, Bâtiment, Paysage (French: Design, Concept, Building, Landscape)


DCBS stands for Department of Consumer and Business Services (Oregon) DCBS stands for Department for Community Based Services DCBS stands for Deutscher Club für Berner Sennenhunde e.V. (German: German Club for Bernese Mountain Dogs e.V.) DCBS stands for Devon Cattle Breeders’ Society (UK) DCBS stands for Discount Comic Book Service (Fort Wayne, IN) DCBS stands […]


DCCB stands for District Central Cooperative Bank (India) DCCB stands for Direcção Central de Combate ao Banditismo (Portugal) DCCB stands for Diplôme de Conseiller Commercial de Banque (French: Commercial Banking Advisor Diploma) DCCB stands for District of Columbia Certification Board DCCB stands for Defense Center Control Building DCCB stands for Developer Configuration Control Board DCCB […]


DCCE stands for Duke Center for Civic Engagement (est. 2007; Duke University; Durham, NC) DCCE stands for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (Insurance) DCCE stands for Digital Cell Centre Exchange DCCE stands for Deep Creek Central Elementary (Chesapeake, VA) DCCE stands for Department of Computing and Control Engineering DCCE stands for Department of Construction Code […]


DCCMKF stands for Debiased Consistent Converted Measurement Kalman Filter