
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CA&E stands for Car Audio & Electronics (magazine) CA&E stands for Chicago, Aurora, and Elgin Railroad


CA stands for Canada (top level internet domain) CA stands for Central Air CA stands for Class A (TV call signs) CA stands for Computer Associates International Inc. CA stands for California (US postal abbreviation) CA stands for Columbia Association (Columbia, MD) CA stands for Central America CA stands for Control Access CA stands for […]


CA-OWEE stands for Concerted Action on Offshore Wind Energy in Europe


CA&T stands for Central Artery and Tunnel (project in Boston, MA) CA&T stands for Computer Applications & Technology (course) CA&T stands for Computing Assistance & Training CA&T stands for Committee on Arts & Technology CA&T stands for Cairo, Arkansas & Texas Railroad Co. CA&T stands for Center for Art and Technology


CA/T stands for Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel (Boston’s Big Dig)


CA4PRS stands for Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies


CAA stands for Canadian Automobile Association CAA stands for College Art Association CAA stands for Clean Air Act CAA stands for Comprehensive Area Assessment (UK) CAA stands for Civil Aviation Authority (UK) CAA stands for Creative Artists Agency CAA stands for Colonial Athletic Association CAA stands for Civil Aviation Act CAA stands for Cour Administrative […]


CAAAD stands for Community Action around Alcohol and Drugs (UK) CAAAD stands for Coherent Adaptive Antenna Array Diversity