
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CP stands for Control(ler) Processor CP stands for Corporation CP stands for Canadian Pacific (railroad) CP stands for Compare CP stands for Copy (Unix command) CP stands for Camp CP stands for Control Panel CP stands for Child Pornography CP stands for City Paper CP stands for Canadian Press CP stands for Constraint Programming CP […]


CR  stands for Copyright CR  stands for Credit CR  stands for Costa Rica CR  stands for Controlled Release (prescription drugs) CR  stands for Creek CR  stands for Consumer Reports CR  stands for Change Request CR  stands for Complete Response CR  stands for Carriage Return CR  stands for Cruise Control (automotive) CR  stands for Comprehensive Review […]


C/RS stands for Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization


CSA  stands for Canadian Standards Association CSA  stands for Community Supported Agriculture CSA  stands for Czech Airlines (founded as Czechoslovak State Airlines; ICAO code) CSA  stands for Cisco Security Agent CSA  stands for Confederate States of America (from Civil War) CSA  stands for Canadian Securities Administrators CSA  stands for Canadian Space Agency CSA  stands for […]


CS  stands for Creative Suite (Adobe) CS  stands for Counter Strike CS  stands for Counter-Strike (game) CS  stands for Caught Stealing (Baseball) CS  stands for Core Systems CS  stands for Computer Science CS  stands for Computer Society CS  stands for Christian Science CS  stands for Case(s) CS  stands for Context Switch CS  stands for Computing […]


CT  stands for Contact Team CT  stands for Court CT  stands for Count CT  stands for Counter CT  stands for Connecticut (US postal abbreviation) CT  stands for Central African Republic CT  stands for Clinical Trial CT  stands for Communications Technology CT  stands for Computer Technology CT  stands for Central Time CT  stands for Critical Thinking […]


CU  stands for Credit Union CU  stands for Cuba CU  stands for University of Colorado CU  stands for Columbia University CU  stands for Close-Up CU  stands for Cambridge University CU  stands for Consumers Union (publisher of Consumer Reports) CU  stands for Close Up CU  stands for Cameron University CU  stands for Code de l’Urbanisme (French: […]


CW stands for Complete With CW stands for Continuous Wave (radar) C/W stands for Come With CW stands for Continuous Wave CW stands for Colonial Williamsburg CW stands for Civil War C/W stands for Consistent With CW stands for Consistent With CW stands for Commonwealth C/W stands for Compatible With CW stands for Clone Wars […]


C2 stands for Command & Control C3 stands for Axis (second cervical vertebra; common name) C4 stands for Ethane C5 stands for Canoe (two person) C6 stands for Capability 2 C7 stands for Clarity 2 (Everquest) C8 stands for Coke 2 C9 stands for Croc 2 (game) C10 stands for Schedule II Controlled Substance (USA) […]