
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


CMED stands for Commission Mondiale sur l’Environnement et le Développement (French: World Commission on Environment and Development; UN) CMED stands for Central Medical Emergency Direction (Massachusetts) CMED stands for Central Medical Emergency Dispatch (various locations) CMED stands for Central Mechanical Equipment Department (Zimbabwe) CMED stands for Coordinated Medical Emergency Direction CMED stands for Central Monitoring […]


CP stands for Control(ler) Processor CP stands for Corporation CP stands for Canadian Pacific (railroad) Compare CP stands for Copy (Unix command) CP stands for Camp CP stands for Control Panel CP stands for Child Pornography CP stands for City Paper CP stands for Canadian Press CP stands for Constraint Programming CP stands for Commercial […]


C-OPS stands for Compact-Optical Profiling System (Biospherical Instruments Inc.)


CR stands for Copyright CR stands for Credit CR stands for Costa Rica CR Controlled Release (prescription drugs) CR stands for Creek CR stands for Consumer Reports CR stands for Change Request CR stands for Complete Response CR stands for Carriage Return CR stands for Cruise Control (automotive) CR stands for Comprehensive Review (various organizations) […]


CRP stands for C-Reactive Protein CRP stands for Conservation Reserve Program CRP stands for Center for Responsive Politics CRP stands for Cancer Research Program (various organizations) CRP stands for Coordinated Research Project (various organizations) CRP stands for Cyclic AMP (Adenosine Monophosphate) Receptor Protein CRP stands for Central Reserve Police CRP stands for Centre de Recherche […]


CS stands for Creative Suite (Adobe) CS stands for Counter Strike CS stands for Counter-Strike (game) CS Chip Select CS stands for Clip System (Nerf) CS stands for Caught Stealing (Baseball) CS stands for Core Systems CS stands for Computer Science CS stands for Computer Society CS stands for Christian Science CS stands for Case(s) […]


CSC stands for Computer Sciences Corporation CSC stands for Coastal Services Center CSC stands for Contract(ing) Services Company/Corporation Civil Service Commission CSC stands for Card Security Code (credit cards) CSC stands for Command Security Corporation (various locations) CSC stands for Correctional Service of Canada CSC stands for Chadron State College CSC stands for Customer Service […]