
Engineering, space, Architecture, IEEE, Electronics, Mechanics, Meteorology, etc.


ZBE stands for Zürcher Blechbläser-Ensemble ZBE stands for ZoomBrowser EX (Canon software) ZBE stands for Zentrale Betriebseinheit Entsorgung ZBE stands for Ziesar-Bücknitzer Eisenbahn ZBE stands for Zero-Byte Encoding ZBE stands for Zertifizierungsbereich Explosivstoffe ZBE stands for Zabreh Airport, Czech Republic (airport code) ZBE stands for Zinc Battery Electrode ZBE stands for Zakladzie Badan Ekonomicznych


ZBUS stands for Zaklad Budowy Urzadzen Spawalniczych, Ltd. (Polish: Department of Mechanical Equipment Welding; Gliwice, Poland)


ZA/AB stands for Zonulae adherens and associated actin bundles


ZAMG stands for Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (German: Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics)