Best Cloud Questions And Answers Jokes That Will Take You To Cloud 9 And Make You And Your Friends Laugh.
Take your time to read these puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punch lines. We hope you will find these cloud computing puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh.
Q: What cloud is so lazy because it will not get up?
Q: Why don’t meteorologists like to dine out on the moon?
A: The moon has no atmosphere.
Q: What is it called when a high pressure goes on vacation?
A: A Hiatus
Q: What do clouds want to be when they grow up?
A: Thunderstorms
Q: When is Monday coming?
A: MonSoon!
Q: What type of humor does a dust storm have?
A: A very dry sense of humor.
Q: What do you call a sheep with no legs?
A: A cloud.
Q: What did the rain cloud wear under his rain coat?
A: Thunder wear!
Q: Why was the sun ☀️ mad at the clouds ☁️?
A: Because the clouds kept throwing shades.
Q: Where do clouds go to the bathroom?
A: Anywhere they want
Q: What did one raindrop say to the other?
A: Two’s company, three’s a cloud
Q: What do you get if you mix a very sad cloud and the ocean?
A: Tropical Depression.
Q: Why was the sun mad at the clouds?
A: Because the clouds kept throwing shades.
Q: What do you call the concentric clouds around a nuclear explosion?
A: Freedom rings.
Q: How can you wrap a cloud?
A: with a rainbow.
Q: What is a clouds favorite drink?
A: Mountain Dew
Q: What happens when the smog lifts over Los Angeles?
Q: Why are you being so Cirrus?
A: We need a stratusgy
Q: Why did the cloud apply to stormtrooper training school?
A: He mist.
Q: What’s worse than rain clouds? A:
When it’s hailing taxis.
Q: Where do clouds keep their money?
A: In a fog bank.
Q: What do you call a cloud that looks like a mermaid?
A: Aerial.
Q: What did the cloud say when it was getting robbed?
A: “It sure is muggy out.”
Q: What does a wealthy cloud do?
Q: What does a cloud do when it gets an itch?
A: It finds the nearest skyscraper.
Q: Why was the cloud not allowed to cross the border?
A: Because it was a for-Rainer.
Q: Why did the little clouds idolize the big cloud?
A: Because he was the raining champion.
Q: “Did you hear about the cloud who became king?”
A: He Rained for years.
Q: “Did you all hear the one about the cloud? ”
A: Never mind, it’ll probably go over your head.