Gender Discrimination At Work Complaint Letter

how do i write a letter of discrimination complaint

Sample Gender Discrimination Complaint Letter Against Employer: Discrimination in general affects one mentally, emotionally and physically. Therefore, no one should be subjected to discrimination whether at work, school or locality. A workplace gender discrimination comes in many different forms but generally it means that an employee or a job applicant is treated differently or less favorably because of their sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

This template letter provides a guide on how to write and file a letter of gender discrimination complaint. If you feel that you are being discriminated feel free to use the sample template below.

Gender Discrimination At Work Complaint Letter Examples

From,____________________ Writer’s Name
____________________ Writer’s Address

Date: ____________________


____________________ Receiver Name
____________________ Job Designation
____________________ Department name

Subject: Gender Discrimination At Work

Dear Manager / Supervisor / Human Resources Officer:

I hold a position of ____________ at the company. This is a formal complaint for discrimination / harassment that I / my co-workers have been subjected to, and our request that you investigate our allegations and take appropriate action to stop it or remedy it. The harasser is (name). The following are the events that I believe constitute harassment / discrimination:

On ____________________ (enter date in full), when I asked how I apply for a promotion, Mr. ____________________ (enter name) told me “Do you see any women getting promoted around here?”.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you so we could discuss this situation and how it can be addressed.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

____________________ Writer’s Signature…
____________________ Writer’s Name

Gender Discrimination Complaint Against Employee


____________________ Writer’s Name
____________________ Writer’s Address

Date: ____________________


____________________ Receiver Name
____________________ Job Designation
____________________ Department name

Dear Human Resources Manager,

Subject: Gender Discrimination At Work

I am employed as a ____________________ (enter position) within your company at the ____________________ (enter location). I am writing you to make a formal complaint for gender discrimination that I have been subjected to at the workplace.

I am requesting that you investigate these allegations and work to resolve it promptly. I have been harassed by my ____________________ ( harasser designation), ____________________ (harasser name). The following incidents are what I believe constitutes gender discrimination.

On ____________________ (enter date in full), I was at work and I was approached by ____________________ (enter name) and the comment was made asking did I not feel uncomfortable being the only male working in the ____________________ department.

On ____________________ (enter date in full), a job was posted for a supervisor’s role. I asked for an application. Ms. ____________________ commented that it was a woman’s job and hesitated in giving me the paperwork.

I would appreciate you giving this situation your utmost attention. I hope to schedule an appointment with you so we can discuss this matter in person and decide how it should be addressed. I am looking forward to your prompt response. Thank you.


____________________[Your Name]

Gender Discrimination At Work Complaint Letter