Government & Military


DASDF stands for Domestic Abuse Service Development Fund (est. 1999; UK) DASDF stands for DF-224 Analysis and Software Development Facility

1 year ago


DASD(PR) stands for Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Production Resources)

1 year ago


DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English DARE stands for Database of…

1 year ago


DASG stands for Depression and Anxiety Support Group (various locations) DASG stands for Domestic Abuse Support Group DASG stands for…

1 year ago


DATOC stands for Data Analysis and Tactical Operations Center (California citrus disease management) DATOC stands for Division Artillery Tactical Operations…

1 year ago


DATINT stands for Data Intelligence

1 year ago


DASGAM stands for Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants and Acquisition Management (US Department of Health and Human Services)

1 year ago


DASETT stands for Department of the Arts Sport the Environment Tourism and Territories (Australia)

1 year ago


DATIS stands for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Information System (Canada) DATIS stands for Drogue Alcool Tabac Info Service (French: Drug…

1 year ago


DASE stands for Direction des Affaires Sociales et Educatives (French: Director of Social Affairs and Education) DASE stands for Design…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning