UZS stands for Uzbekistani Sum (ISO currency code) UZS stands for Upper Zone Storage (groundwater) UZS stands for Uhrzeigersinn (German:…
UzSSR stands for Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic (Uzbekistan)
IZW stands for Institute for Zoo and Wildlife (Berlin, Germany) IZW stands for Impact Zone Wrestling IZW stands for Infekcyjne…
JALWG stands for Joint Air Logistics Working Group
EZV stands for Eidgenössische Zollverwaltung (German: federal customs administration)
IZY stands for International Zoo Yearbook
FZZPKIS stands for Federacja Zwiazków Zawodowych Pracowników Kultury I Sztuki (Polish: Federation of Trade Unions of Workers of Culture and Arts;…
DAVACS stands for DOE Automated Visitor Access Control System (database)
DAVC stands for Deutscher Automobil Veteranen Club (German: German Automobile Club Veterans Association; est. 1965) DAVC stands for Diagnostic à…
DAVCST stands for Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust