Government & Military

Local, National And International Governments, Military, Defence, Defence Industry, Weapons Systems, FBI, FDA, Military, NASA, Police, State & Local, Suppliers, Transportation, UN, US Gov.


DCEIP stands for District of Columbia Early Intervention Program


DCELLS stands for Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (UK)


DCELLS stands for Department for Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills (UK)


DCEM stands for Document de Circulation pour Etranger Mineur (French: Movement Document for Foreign Minor) DCEM stands for Distributed Command Execution Manager (IBM) DCEM stands for David Cho Evangelistic Mission (Seoul, South Korea) DCEM stands for District Contingency Engineering Manager


DCEMA stands for District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency DCEMA stands for Delaware County Emergency Management Agency (Muncie, IN)


DCEN stands for Direct Current Electrode Negative DCEN stands for Distrito Central (Italian: Central District; Honduras) DCEN stands for Digital Content Exchange Network (VersaWare, Inc.) DCEN stands for District of Columbia Environmental Network


DCEO stands for Deputy Chief Executive Officer (various organizations) DCEO stands for Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (Illinois) DCEO stands for Defensive Cyber Effects Operations DCEO stands for Division Coloniale d’Extrème-Orient (French infantry division) DCEO stands for District of Columbia Energy Office (Washington, DC) DCEO stands for Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences (Lesotho) […]


DCENN stands for Direction des Cours d’Eau Non Navigables (French: Management of Unnavigable Rivers; Belgium)


DCENN stands for Direction des Cours d’Eau Non Navigables (French: Management of Unnavigable Rivers; Belgium)


DCER stands for Documents on Canadian External Relations DCER stands for Dynamic Constant External Resistance DCER stands for Davison Community Enrichment and Recreation (Michigan) DCER stands for Design Criteria Engineering Release DCER stands for Dwelling Carbon Emissions Rate (UK)