Government & Military

Local, National And International Governments, Military, Defence, Defence Industry, Weapons Systems, FBI, FDA, Military, NASA, Police, State & Local, Suppliers, Transportation, UN, US Gov.


DARCOMPI stands for Department of the Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command Procurement Instruction


DARD stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (UK) Dard stands for Dardic (linguistics) DARD stands for Droit au Respect et à la Dignité (French: Right to Respect and Dignity; political association) DARD stands for Dynamic Axial Resistance Device (fitness product) DARD stands for Division for the Application of Research Discoveries (US DHHS) DARD […]


DARDNI stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland (UK)


DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English DARE stands for Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (Cochrane Library) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Expensive DARE stands for Digital Academic Repositories (Dutch academic research website) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Exciting DARE stands for Department […]


DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics Coordination) DARES stands for Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service (The Netherlands) DARES stands for Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche et des Statistiques (French: Directorate of Animation Research and Statistics) DARES stands for Division […]


DAREIC stands for Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegation for European and International Relations and Cooperation) DAREIC stands for Délégué Académique aux Relations Européennes et Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegate to European and International Relations and Cooperation)


DARF stands for Documento de Arrecadaçäo de Receitas Federais (Portuguese: Federal Revenue Collection Document; Brazil) DARF stands for Drug Accountability Record Form (various organizations) DARF stands for Donaldson Arthritis Research Foundation (est. 2005) DARF stands for Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) DARF stands for Defense Atomic Research Facility DARF stands for Document […]


DARIC stands for Délégué Académique aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération (French: Academic Delegate for International Relations and Cooperation) DARIC stands for Defense Automation Resources Information Center


DARING stands for Disaster Avoidance & Recovery Information Group