Government & Military

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DARIN stands for Display Attack and Ranging Inertial Navigation


DARIS stands for Disaster Automated Reporting & Information System (FEMA)


DARL stands for Doctor Andy’s Rule Language (fuzzy logic rule language) DARL stands for Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory (India) DARL stands for Dog Agility Rescue League (UK) DARL stands for Dielectric Anti-Reflection Layer


DARM stands for Digital Asset Risk Management DARM stands for Division of Air Resource Management (Department of Environmental Protection; Tallahassee, FL) DARM stands for Data at Rest Manager (GTB Technologies; Costa Mesa, CA) DARM stands for Defense Acquisition Regulation Manual DARM stands for Deterministic Autoregressive Moving Average


DARMS stands for Digital Alternate Representation of Musical Scores (computer coding language) DARMS stands for Data Automation Resource Management System DARMS stands for Development of Assets, Realty & Management Services (Australia) DARMS stands for Developmental Army Readiness & Mobilization System


DARMP stands for Defense Automation Resources Management Program


DARN stands for Dual Auroral Radar Network DARN stands for Disaster Amateur Radio Network (California) DARN stands for Duty Appointed Retention NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer; US Army) DARN stands for Diocese Amateur Radio Network (Florida) DARN stands for Developing Areas Research Network (Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK) DARN stands for Dayton Asperger Resource Network […]


DARO stands for Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office DARO stands for Development and Alumni Relations Office DARO stands for Days After Receipt of Order DARO stands for Defense ADPE Reutilization Office