Government & Military

Local, National And International Governments, Military, Defence, Defence Industry, Weapons Systems, FBI, FDA, Military, NASA, Police, State & Local, Suppliers, Transportation, UN, US Gov.


DAWIA stands for Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act of 1990


DAWG stands for Directed Acyclic Word Graph DAWG stands for Data Analysis Working Group DAWG stands for Deployment Availability Working Group DAWG stands for Deputies Advisory Working Group (US DoD senior leadership advisory group) DAWG stands for Doing Away with Grime (Terryville, CT) DAWG stands for Day Alone with God DAWG stands for Deployable Array […]


DAWGS stands for Dog Action Working Group Scotland (UK) DAWGS stands for Disaster and Wilderness Ground Searchers (Connecticut) DAWGS stands for Data and Workflow of Grants System (Attorney-General’s Department; Australia)


DAWI stands for Deutsch Angolanische Wirtschafts Initiative eV (German: German Angolan Economic Initiative; Munich, Germany) DAWI stands for Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement DAWI stands for Delta Access Web Interface DAWI stands for Dawson Against the War in Iraq (Dawson College; Canada)


DAWR stands for Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources (Guam)


DAWN stands for Drug Abuse Warning Network DAWN stands for Domestic Abuse Women’s Network DAWN stands for DisAbled Women’s Network (Canada) DAWN stands for Discipling A Whole Nation DAWN stands for Development Action for Women Network (Philippines) DAWN stands for Development Alternatives with Women in A New Era DAWN stands for Defense Attaché Worldwide Network […]


DAWRRC stands for Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee (UK)