C2TD stands for Command and Control Translator Database (JTF WARNET)
C4U stands for Cloud for Utilities (various companies) C4U stands for Computers for Uganda (Puget Sound-area high schools; Washington state)
C2S2 stands for Center for Circuits and System Solutions (Carnegie Mellon College of Engineering) C2S2 stands for Command and Control…
C2T stands for Command & Control Technology C2T stands for Cable Chaining Technology (IBM) C2T stands for Companions 2 Travel…
C2TP stands for Command and Control Technology Platform
C2W stands for Command and Control Warfare (US DoD) C2W stands for Chip-to-Wafer (computer chip design) C2W stands for Climate-to-Weather…
C2S stands for Cells to Society (Center on Social Disparities and Health; Institute for Policy Research; Northwestern University; Evanston, IL)…
C3N stands for Command, Control, Communications and Networks C3N stands for Command, Control, Communications & Navigation
C3I stands for Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence (US DoD) C3I stands for Computer Controlled Coil Ignition
C3OTM stands for Command, Control & Communications On The Move