Information Technology


DBRM stands for Database Request Module DBRM stands for Developmental Biology for Regenerative Medicine (Stockholm, Sweden) DBRM stands for Database…

1 year ago


DBRN stands for Data-Based Referenced Navigation DBRN stands for Decibels above reference Noise DBRN stands for Data Bank Release Notice…

1 year ago


CAMMS stands for CAM Management Solutions (software; various locations) CAMMS stands for Common Assessment Method Standards and Specifications (EU) CAMMS…

1 year ago


CAMMU stands for Cache Memory Management Unit

1 year ago


CAMME stands for Chicagoland Apartment Marketing and Management Excellence (award; Illinois) CAMME stands for Computer Aided Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

1 year ago


CAMM stands for Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (UK) CAMM stands for Common Agenda for Migration and Mobility (EU-India) CAMM stands…

1 year ago


DBRI stands for Dual Basic Rate ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) DBRI stands for Developmental Biology Research Initiative (McGill University;…

1 year ago


CAML stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language CAML stands for Census of Antarctic Marine Life Caml stands for Categorical Abstract…

1 year ago


CAMLAC stands for Computer-Aided Master Launcher Control (US Decoy System)

1 year ago


DBPP stands for Designing and Building Parallel Programs (online book) DBPP stands for Defined Benefit Pension Plan DBPP stands for…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning