Information Technology


DBOA stands for Designer Bookbinders of America (est. 2011) DBOA stands for Dallas Basketball Officials Association (Irving, TX) DBOA stands…

1 year ago


DBO stands for Department of Business Oversight DBO stands for Database Owner DBO stands for Director of Business Operations (various…

1 year ago


DBOT stands for Delaware Board of Trade DBOT stands for Design-Build-Operate-Transfer DBOT stands for District Board of Trustees DBOT stands…

1 year ago


CAMAS stands for Cincinnati Academy of Mathematics and Science (Ohio) CAMAS stands for Comodo Automated Malware Analysis System (software) CAMAS…

1 year ago


CAMAD stands for Community Action Machynlleth and District (UK) CAMAD stands for International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling and Design of…

1 year ago


DBOMP stands for Database Organization and Maintenance Program

1 year ago


CALRS stands for Centralized Automated Loop Reporting System (Nortel) CALRS stands for Customer Administration Line Record System (Sprint)

1 year ago


CAMAC stands for Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Australia) CAMAC stands for Computer Automated Measurement And Control CAMAC stands for…

1 year ago


CAMCAO stands for Camera for Multiconjugated Adaptive Optics (FCUL, INETI, ESO, LIP)

1 year ago


DBOS stands for Dominica Bureau of Standards (Roseau, Dominican Republic) DBOS stands for Delaware Bay Observing System (Delaware) DBOS stands…

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning