DAQEQ stands for Data Acquisition Equipment (Yokogawa)
DAQBU stands for Data Acquisition and Buffering Unit
DAQ stands for Data Acquisition DAQ stands for Division of Air Quality DAQ stands for Démarche d'Assurance Qualité (French: Approach…
DAPU stands for Data Acquisition and Processing Unit
DAPSP stands for Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Path
DARK stands for Distributed Ada Real-time Kernel DARK stands for Digital Artists of the Rare Kind DARK stands for Damaged…
DAPS stands for Direction des Assurances et de la Prévoyance Sociale (French: Department of Insurance and Social Welfare; Morocco) DAPS…
UZSS stands for Uczelniany Zarzad Samorzadu Studenckiego (Polish: Information Technology Self-Management Students)
TZW stands for Technologiezentrum Wasser (German) TZW stands for Thunder Zone Wrestling (Michigan)
IZT stands for Interconnector Zeebrugge Terminal (Belgium) IZT stands for Inverse Z-Transform IZT stands for Internal Zone Routing Table