Information Technology


DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US DoD; aka Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration) DARPA stands for Directory…

1 year ago


DARPS stands for Differential Absolute and Relative Positioning Sensor DARPS stands for Dutch Auction Rate Preferred Shares DARPS stands for…

1 year ago


DARR stands for Delft Atmospheric Research Radar DARR stands for Digital Accident Research Recorder DARR stands for Department of Army…

1 year ago


DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team DART stands for Disaster Animal Response…

1 year ago


DARTS stands for Data Archive and Transmission System DARTS stands for Dynamic Application and Rapid Targeting System (planning software) DARTS…

1 year ago


DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Services (various locations) DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Screening (various organizations) DAS stands…

1 year ago


DARVA stands for Développement d'Applications sur Réseaux à Valeur Ajouté (French: Application Development of Value-Added Networks)

1 year ago


DASD stands for Direct Access Storage Device DASD stands for Dallastown Area School District (Dallastown, PA) DASD stands for Deputy…

1 year ago


DARwIN stands for Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence (Virginia Tech University) DARWIN stands for Data Analysis and Retrieval with Indexed…

1 year ago


DARYL stands for Data Analyzing Robotic Youth Lifeform

1 year ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning