DCC-RL stands for Dynamic Cell Configuration Scheme Based on Reinforcement Learning
DCATT stands for Developmental Cryogenic Active Telescope Testbed DCATT stands for Data Certification And Technology Transfer
DCCL stands for Dynamic Compact Control Language (computing) DCCL stands for Dermatologisch Cosmetisch Centrum Leeuwarden (Dutch dermatology center) DCCL stands…
DCBX stands for Distorted Coulomb-Born Exchange Approximation DCBX stands for Data Center Bridging Capability Exchange Protocol
DCAO stands for Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos (Spanish: Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Argentina)…
DCA-QOS stands for Dynamic Channel Allocation Quality of Service
DCBAM stands for Discrete Chainable Bidirectional Associative Memory
DCADM stands for Defence Command and Army Data Model
DCCH stands for Design Centre Chelsea Harbour (UK) DCCH stands for Dedicated Control Channel (GSM) DCCH stands for Digital Control…
DC3 stands for Douglas DC3 (airliner) DC3 stands for Device Control Three (or XOFF) DC3 stands for Deep Convective Clouds…