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DCBAM stands for Discrete Chainable Bidirectional Associative Memory


DCB stands for Drug Coated Balloon (angioplasty) DCB stands for Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas (Spanish: Department of Biological Sciences; various locations) DCB stands for Dave’s Custom Boats (California) DCB stands for Data Center Bridging DCB stands for Dichlorobenzene DCB stands for Direct Carrier Billing (online payment method) DCB stands for David Crowder Band DCB stands […]


DCBE stands for Double Contrast Barium Enema DCBE stands for Double Contrast Barium Enema Examination (gastroenterology) DCBE stands for De Cordova Bend Estates (Granbury, TX) DCBE stands for Division of Consumer and Business Education (US FTC) DCBE stands for Data Control Block Extension DCBE stands for Deproteinized Calf-Blood Extract


DCBF stands for Data Cache Block Flush DCBF stands for Danish-Chinese Business Forum (Denmark) DCBF stands for Dorset Christian Business Fellowship DCBF stands for Donor Capacity Building Fund (Red Cross) DCBF stands for Diastolic Coronary Blood Flow (cardiology) DCBF stands for Decorticated Cracked Broadbeans Flour (product) DCBF stands for Diastolic Circumflex Blood Flow


DCBI stands for Dismounted Complex Blast Injury DCBI stands for Data Cache Block Invalidate DCBI stands for Decision-Centric Business Intelligence DCBI stands for Destination Cornerstone Bible Institute (Hot Springs, SD)


DCBN stands for Diseño Curricular Básico Nacional (Spanish: National Basic Curriculum Design; Peru) DCBN stands for Denmark China Business Network


DCBT stands for Deutscher Club für Bullterrier e.V. (German: German Club for Bull Terriers e.V.) DCBT stands for Data Cache Block Touch DCBT stands for Docklands Canal Boat Trust (UK) DCBT stands for Demmer Center for Business Transformation (Michigan State University) DCBT stands for Digital Camera Beginners Tutorial DCBT stands for Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks


DCBU stands for DC (District of Columbia) Bluegrass Union (Washington, DC) DCBU stands for Digital Conference Bridge Unit


DCBX stands for Distorted Coulomb-Born Exchange Approximation DCBX stands for Data Center Bridging Capability Exchange Protocol


DCC-RL stands for Dynamic Cell Configuration Scheme Based on Reinforcement Learning