Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


XAP-TP stands for X/Open Acse/Presentation Programming Interface Transaction Processing Extension


XAP stands for Silverlight Application Package (software file extension) XAP stands for X-Associated Protein XAP stands for Merchant Cargo Ship (US Navy) XAP stands for Xerox Alliance Partner (business relationship) XAP stands for X Application Panel XAP stands for Radio Communications Team (US Navy) XAP stands for X Activation Peptide (biochemistry) XAP stands for Experimental […]


XAR stands for eXtended Attribute Record (CD Format) XAR stands for Xtreme Air Racing (computer game)


CANOE stands for Canadian Online Explorer CANOE stands for Creative and Natural Outdoor Experience (Canada) CANOE stands for Carleton Association of Nature and Outdoor Enthusiasts (Northfield, MN) CANOE stands for Chicago Area Neon Owners and Enthusiasts CANOE stands for Committee to Ascribe a Nautical Origin to Everything


XAUI stands for 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface XAUI stands for Extended Auxiliary Unit Interface XAUI stands for XSBI Attachment Unit Interface (IEEE 802.3ae)