Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


CAMLAC stands for Computer-Aided Master Launcher Control (US Decoy System)


CAML stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language CAML stands for Census of Antarctic Marine Life Caml stands for Categorical Abstract Machine Language (developed by Institut National de Recherché en Informatique et en Automatique) CAML stands for Calcium-Modulating Cyclophilin Ligand CAML stands for Cargo Aircraft Mine Laying CAML stands for Computational Acoustics Modeling Lab


DBRI stands for Dual Basic Rate ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) DBRI stands for Developmental Biology Research Initiative (McGill University; Canada) DBRI stands for Dysfunctional Behavior Rating Instrument (psychology)


CAMM stands for Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (UK) CAMM stands for Common Agenda for Migration and Mobility (EU-India) CAMM stands for Council of American Maritime Museums CAMM stands for Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials (Ohio State University) CAMM stands for Computer-Assisted Material Management CAMM stands for Computer-Aided Molecular Modeling CAMM stands for Computer-Aided […]


CAMME stands for Chicagoland Apartment Marketing and Management Excellence (award; Illinois) CAMME stands for Computer Aided Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


CAMMS stands for CAM Management Solutions (software; various locations) CAMMS stands for Common Assessment Method Standards and Specifications (EU) CAMMS stands for Computer Aided Music Mixing System CAMMS stands for Condensed Army Mobility Modeling System CAMMS stands for Computer-Assisted Map Maneuver Simulation CAMMS stands for Command Anywhere Mobile Mesh Software (Global Mesh Technologies) CAMMS stands […]


DBRN stands for Data-Based Referenced Navigation DBRN stands for Decibels above reference Noise DBRN stands for Data Bank Release Notice DBRN stands for David Bowie Radio Network


DBRM stands for Database Request Module DBRM stands for Developmental Biology for Regenerative Medicine (Stockholm, Sweden) DBRM stands for Database Resource Management DBRM stands for Dynamic Bit-Rate Margin


CAMO stands for Camouflage CAMO stands for Comité d’Adaptation de la Main-d’Oeuvre (French: Committee for Adaptation of Manpower; Canada) CAMO stands for Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (European Aviation Safety Agency) CAMO stands for Central Ammunition Management Office CAMO stands for Computer Aided Modelling, Inc CAMO stands for Corps Automation Management Officer CAMO stands for Computer-Aided […]