Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


DBLT stands for Dynamic Back Link Technology DBLT stands for Doublet DBLT stands for Deterministic Binary Loss Tree DBLT stands for Don’t Be Like That


DBLU stands for Direction-Based Location Update (computer science) DBLU stands for Distance-Based Location Update


DBM stands for Database Management DBM stands for Department of Budget and Management DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix (grafts) dBm stands for Decibel (referenced to milliwatts) DBM stands for Dibenzoylmethane (chemical compound) DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix DBM stands for Database Marketing DBM stands for Double Balanced Mixer DBM stands forDrake Beam Morin […]


DBMD stands for Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases (US CDC) DBMD stands for Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy DBMD stands for District Board of Ministerial Development DBMD stands for Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree (various schools) DBMD stands for Deaf-Blind Multiple Disabilities (Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services) DBMD stands for Don’t Bring Me Down DBMD […]


DBME stands for Dépannage Brûleur Mazout Entretien (French: Troubleshooting Oil Burner Service) DBME stands for Discipline-Based Music Education DBME stands for Data Base Management Environment DBME stands for Data Base Management Element


DBMG stands for Diablo Black Men’s Group (Danville, CA) DBMG stands for Dick Batchelor Management Group (Orlando, FL) DBMG stands for Dough Boy Money Gang DBMG stands for Data Base Management Group


CALRS stands for Centralized Automated Loop Reporting System (Nortel) CALRS stands for Customer Administration Line Record System (Sprint)