Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


CAMEC stands for Central African Mining Exploration Company CAMEC stands for Centro Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Italian: Center for Modern and Contemporary Art; La Spezia, Italy) CAMEC stands for Caravan and Marine Equipment Company (Australia) CAMEC stands for China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation CAMEC stands for Casa Agrícola Mercantil y Exportación de Cafe SA […]


DBADM stands for Database Administrator DBADM stands for Data Base Administration


DBAL stands for Database Abstraction Layer DBAL stands for Dual Beam Aiming Laser (contains a visible and infrared laser) dBal stands for Drunken but Always Lovable (gaming clan)


DBAN stands for Darik’s Boot and Nuke (floppy-based utility for wiping hard disks securely) DBAN stands for Dibromoacetonitrile (disinfection by-product) DBAN stands for Danish Business Angel Network


DBAO stands for De Bouche à Oreille (French: By Word of Mouth) DBAO stands for Data Base Association of Ontario DBAO stands for Data Base Access Object


DBAP stands for Durham Bulls Athletic Park DBAP stands for Double Bande avec Porteuse (French: Double Band with Carrier) DBAP stands for Durham Biodiversity Action Plan (UK) DBAP stands for Dairy Business Analysis Project (University of Florida Dairy Extension) DBAP stands for Distance-Based Amplitude Panning (technique for positioning of virtual sound sources)


DBAR stands for Don’t Be a Robot DBAR stands for Diamond Blackfan Anemia Registry (New Hyde Park, NY) DBAR stands for Disaster Backup and Recovery DBAR stands for Deflection-Based Alternate Routing DBAR stands for Demand-Based Adjustable Return (finance/investing)


DBAS stands for Development Bank of American Samoa (est. 1969) DBAS stands for Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes About Sleep DBAS stands for Deaf-Blind Access of the South (Georgia Association of the Deaf-Blind) DBAS stands for Dipartimento Beni Arti Storia (Italian: Art History Heritage Department; University of Lecce; Lecce, Italy) DBAS stands for Data Base Administration […]


DBASE stands for Distributed Bandwidth Allocation/Sharing/Extension