Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


DANMS stands for Workshop on Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems (IEEE International Workshop)


DAOM stands for Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine DAOM stands for Déchets Assimilés aux Ordures Ménagères (French: Household Waste Disposal) DAOM stands for Dessin Assisté Par Ordinateur des Mascareignes (French: Computer Aided Design Mascarene; Mascarene Islands) DAOM stands for Deutsche Akademie für Osteopathische Medizin eV (German: German Academy for Osteopathic Medicine) DAOM stands for […]


DANSS stands for Distributed Algorithms Networking and Secure Systems (Hebrew University; Israel)


DANTE stands for Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe, Ltd. DANTE stands for Data Acquisition Network for Turbine Evaluation DANTE stands for Delays Alternating with Nutations for Tailored Excitation (NMR spectroscopy) DANTE stands for Deployment Analysis Network Tool Extended DANTE stands for Distributed Address, Naming and Transaction Environment DANTE stands for Domain Analysis Trust […]


DAO stands for Data Access Objects (Microsoft) DAO stands for Double Action Only (handguns) DAO stands for Dragon Age: Origins (video game) DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization (smart contracts) DAO stands for Disk-At-Once (CD creation) DAO stands for Dessin Assisté par Ordinateur (French: computer assisted design) DAO stands for Depressor Anguli Oris (facial muscle) […]


DAOR  stands for Digital Agency of Record DAOR  stands for Discharge as of Right (UK) DAOR  stands for Revue Internationale du Droit des Affaires-Internationaal Tijdschrift voor Ondernemingsrecht (French and Dutch-language business law journal) DAOR  stands for Downey Association of Realtors (est. 1946; California) DAOR  stands for Discrete Analysis and Operations Research (conference) DAOR  stands for […]


DAP stands for Drug and Alcohol Program (various organizations) DAP stands for Drug and Alcohol Prevention (various organizations) DAP stands for Download Accelerator Plus DAP stands for Directory Access Protocol (X.500) DAP stands for Democratic Action Party (Malaysian political party, founded in 1966) DAP stands for Disbursement Acceleration Program (Philippines) DAP stands for Digital Audio […]


DAP7 stands for Download Accelerator Plus 7 (computer program)


DAPA stands for Direction de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (French: Department of Architecture and Heritage) DAPA stands for Diaminopimelic Acid DAPA stands for Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor DAPA stands for Distribution And Pricing Agreement DAPA stands for Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association DAPA stands for Distributeur et Applicateur de Produits Antiparasitaires (French: Distributor […]