Information Technology

Information Technology, Internet/Web, Telecommunications, Unix Commands, Computing & Computer Science, Hardware, Assembly, Databases, DOS Commands, Drivers, File Extensions,Java, Networking, Security, Software, Telecom, Microsoft, ASCII, Blogs, Chat, Domain Names, Emoticons, HTTP, MIME, Twitter, Wannas and Websites.


DARD stands for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (UK) Dard stands for Dardic (linguistics) DARD stands for Droit au Respect et à la Dignité (French: Right to Respect and Dignity; political association) DARD stands for Dynamic Axial Resistance Device (fitness product) DARD stands for Division for the Application of Research Discoveries (US DHHS) DARD […]


DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English DARE stands for Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (Cochrane Library) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Expensive DARE stands for Digital Academic Repositories (Dutch academic research website) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Exciting DARE stands for Department […]


DARGAL stands for Data Access Reporting, Graphics, and Analysis Language


DARI stands for Database Application Remote Interface (IBM DB2) DARI stands for Development Association of Rock Island, Inc. (Illinois) DARI stands for Dose Annuelle due aux Radiations Internes (French: Annual Dose Due to Internal Radiation; nuclear power) DARI stands for Disability and Aging Resource Institute (est. 2002; Baton Rouge, LA)


DARICS stands for Data Acquisition Reports and Integrated Communications System (AT&T)


DARIL stands for Dispatcher Activated Response Identification Light


DARK stands for Distributed Ada Real-time Kernel DARK stands for Digital Artists of the Rare Kind DARK stands for Damaged Aircraft Recovery Kit DARK stands for Discrimination Analysis Technique Adapted & Refined At Kwajalein


DARL stands for Doctor Andy’s Rule Language (fuzzy logic rule language) DARL stands for Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory (India) DARL stands for Dog Agility Rescue League (UK) DARL stands for Dielectric Anti-Reflection Layer


DARM stands for Digital Asset Risk Management DARM stands for Division of Air Resource Management (Department of Environmental Protection; Tallahassee, FL) DARM stands for Data at Rest Manager (GTB Technologies; Costa Mesa, CA) DARM stands for Defense Acquisition Regulation Manual DARM stands for Deterministic Autoregressive Moving Average