Internet Slang


BAMR stands for Bad Ass Mother Runner BAMR stands for Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection)…

2 years ago


BANANA stands for Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything BANANA stands for Bridge Analog Network and Node Analyzer (Cisco) BANANA…

2 years ago


BAN stands for Bangladesh (South Asia) BAN stands for Bangor (Amtrak station code; Bangor, ME) BAN stands for Badan Akreditasi…

2 years ago


BAMN stands for By Any Means Necessary. BAMN stands for Builders Association of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN) BAMN stands for Bovine Alliance on…

2 years ago


BALGE stands for By And Large Good Enough

2 years ago


BAMF stands for Bundesamt Für Migration Und Flüchtlinge (German: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) BAMF stands for British Art…

2 years ago


BAMM stands for British Association of Modern Mosaic (UK) BAMM stands for British Association of Medical Managers BAMM stands for…

2 years ago


BAHWC stands for Being at Home with Claude (film)

2 years ago


BAIC stands for Barring of All Incoming Calls BAIC stands for Bahamas Agricultural Industrial Corporation BAIC stands for Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Company,…

2 years ago


BAIB stands for Beta-Aminoisobutyric Acid  BAIB stands for Blogging at Its Best BAIB stands for Battery for Asthma Illness Behavior (test)

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning