Internet Slang

Slang, SMS, Chat, Instant Messaging and Texting.


DAPF stands for Direction des Affaires du Personnel et de la Formation (French: Directorate of Personnel Affairs and Training; Morocco) DAPF stands for Diplôme d’Aptitude Pratique au Français (French: High Ability to Practice French) DAPF stands for Divorced Asian Professional Female


DAQ stands for Data Acquisition DAQ stands for Division of Air Quality DAQ stands for Démarche d’Assurance Qualité (French: Approach to Quality Assurance) DAQ stands for Diabetes Australia-Queensland (est. 1968) DAQ stands for Démarche d’Amélioration Qualitative (French: Qualitative Improvement Approach) DAQ stands for Delivered Audio Quality DAQ stands for Don’t Ask Questions DAQ stands for […]


DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE stands for Dictionary of American Regional English DARE stands for Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (Cochrane Library) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Expensive DARE stands for Digital Academic Repositories (Dutch academic research website) DARE stands for Drugs Are Really Exciting DARE stands for Department […]


DARK stands for Distributed Ada Real-time Kernel DARK stands for Digital Artists of the Rare Kind DARK stands for Damaged Aircraft Recovery Kit DARK stands for Discrimination Analysis Technique Adapted & Refined At Kwajalein


DARP stands for Day(s) After Reporting Period DARP stands for Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca (Department of Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Fishing) DARP stands for Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance (GSM/3GPP) DARP stands for Drug Abuse Reporting Program DARP stands for Damage Assessment and Restoration Program DARP stands for Dumbledore’s Army Roleplay (gaming) DARP stands for […]


DATM stands for Doesn’t Apply to Me DATM stands for Drags Along the Mohawk (Little Falls, NY) DATM stands for Dave against the Machine (podcast) DATM stands for Draco and the Malfoys (band) DATM stands for Dummy Air Training Missile DATM stands for Down at the Mac (online soccer fanclub; UK) DATM stands for Data […]


JALS stands for Juvenile Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis JALS stands for Journal of the American Liszt Society (est. 1964) JALS stands for Just A Little Something


JALR stands for Jump And Link Register JALR stands for Just Another Lab Rat