Internet Slang

Slang, SMS, Chat, Instant Messaging and Texting.


zon stands for Amazon (Diablo II game character class) ZON stands for Zorg Onderzoek Nederland ZON stands for zearalenone (mycotoxin) ZON stands for Zuid Oost Nederland (Dutch: South East Netherlands) ZON stands for Amazon Parrot


ZONE stands for Zablo on Nearly Everything ZONE stands for Zinc Oxide Non-Eugenol (dental product) ZONE stands for Zealot of Name Edification


ZOP stands for Zentrale Oberstufe Pruefung (German: Advanced Level Examination; Goethe Institut) ZOP stands for Zero-Order Predictor (algorithm) ZOP stands for Zinc Oxide Pigment ZOP stands for Zero Over-Pricing ZOP stands for Zwalczanie Okretów Podwodnych (Polish: Anti-Submarine Warfare; Department of Maritime Warfare)


ZOO stands for Compressed File (File Name Extension) ZOO stands for Zakon o Obveznim Odnosima (Croation: Law on Obligations) ZOO stands for Zone of Opportunity (housing cooperative; Montreal, Canada) ZOO stands for Zoologically Obsessed Octogenarian (Kids Next Door show) ZOO stands for Zone of Oddities (online game)


ZOS stands for Zone Of Separation ZOS stands for Zambian Ornithological Society (Lusaka, Zambia) ZoS stands for Zealots of Shiverpeak (gaming guild) ZOS stands for Ziel Orientierungs Seminar (German: Goal Orientation Seminar) ZOS stands for Zero-Outage Scheduler


ZNR stands for Zazou ‘N’ Racaille (French band) ZNR stands for Zero Nerve Response (band) ZNR stands for Zinc Resistor ZNR stands for ZIP Not yet Resolved