Internet Slang

Slang, SMS, Chat, Instant Messaging and Texting.


BACBC stands for Bay Area Chinese Bible Church (California) BACBC stands for Bay Area Corporate Badminton Challenge (California)


BAck stands for Binding Acknowledgement BACK stands for Better Access to Chiropractors to Keep our Veterans Healthy Act (introduced 2004) BACK stands for Back At Computer Keyboard BACK stands for Become a Cheerful Kid


BACRA stands for Bath Archive for Contemporary Religious Affairs (UK) BACRA stands for Bottle and Can Redemption Association


BACRONYM stands for Brilliantly. Assembled Catchy, Rustic, Odd Narrative, Yet Meaningful


BAD stands for Baden-Baden (German city, license plate prefix) BAD stands for Blog Action Day BAD stands for Big Audio Dynamite (band) BAD stands for Banque Africaine de Developpement (AFDB) BAD stands for Business Application Development BAD stands for Bipolar Affective Disorder BAD stands for British Association of Dermatologists BAD stands for Boxing After Dark […]


BACKUP stands for Building Alliances, Creating Knowledge, Updating Partners (international health financing) BACKUP stands for Unit Behind Eyeball Vehicle, Ready to Take Lead


AAOF stands for American Academy of Optometry Foundation (Orlando, FL) AAOF stands for American Association of Orthodontists Foundation (St. Louis, MO) AAOF stands for Airboat Association of Florida (est. 1951) AAOF stands for Aluminum Association of Florida, Inc. (est. 1975; Orlando, FL) AAOF stands for Active Army Officer AAOF stands for AIG (American International Group, Inc.) Asian Opportunity Fund (asset management) […]


AALT stands for Alberta Association of Library Technicians AALT stands for Anglo-American Legal Tradition (UK National Archives website) AALT stands for Australian Audio & Lighting Technology AALT stands for Another Annoying Little Twit (blog)


AAMB stands for Arizona Association of Mortgage Brokers (also seen as AZAMB) AAMB stands for Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (Fatah-affiliated activists) AAMB stands for American Air Museum in Britain (England) AAMB stands for American Association of Medical Billers (est. 1996; Santa Ana, CA) AAMB stands for All American Marching Band AAMB stands for American Association of […]