
Law, Binding Agreements.


CAFO stands for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation CAFO stands for Confined Animal Feeding Operation CAFO stands for Consent Agreement and Final Order (law) CAFO stands for Church Alliance for Orphans (Namibia) CAFO stands for Confidential Admiralty Fleet Order (UK) CAFO stands for Canadian Alliance of Franchise Operators CAFO stands for Command Accounting and Finance Office


CAGJ stands for Community Alliance for Global Justice (Seattle, WA)


CAGNY stands for Consumer Analyst Group of New York CAGNY stands for Casualty Actuaries of Greater New York (Casualty Actuarial Society) CAGNY stands for Contractors’ Association of Greater New York, Inc. CAGNY stands for Coalition Against Gambling in New York


CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate (investing) CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate CAGR stands for Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (US National Park Service) CAGR stands for Cumulative Average Growth Rate (less common) CAGR stands for Compounded Average Growth Rate CAGR stands for Colored Angora Goat Registry CAGR stands for Citizens Against […]


CAGRH stands for Californians Against Government Run Healthcare


CAGV stands for Connecticut Against Gun Violence CAGV stands for Coalition Against Gun Violence


CAGW stands for Citizens Against Government Waste CAGW stands for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (climate change) CAGW stands for Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington (Washington, DC)


CAHAR stands for Committee of Experts on Legal Aspects of Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons (EC)


CAHDI stands for Comité des Conseillers Juridiques sur le Droit International Public (European Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law)