
Law, Binding Agreements.


C2P stands for Command & Control Processor C2P stands for Chunky to Planar (computer format conversion) C2P stands for Circuit To Packet (Lucent) C2P stands for Command and Control Protection (US DoD) C2P stands for Computer-to-Plate (printing) C2P stands for Consumer to Producer C2P stands for Concept to Production C2P stands for Construction-to-Permanent (home purchase […]


CW stands for Complete With CW stands for Continuous Wave (radar) C/W stands for Come With CW stands for Continuous Wave CW stands for Colonial Williamsburg CW stands for Civil War C/W stands for Consistent With CW stands for Consistent With CW stands for Commonwealth C/W stands for Compatible With CW stands for Clone Wars […]


ABTA stands for Association of British Travel Agents ABTA stands for American Brain Tumor Association ABTA stands for Austrian Business Travel Association ABTA stands for American Bridge Teachers Association ABTA stands for Australasian Business Travel Association (Australia) ABTA stands for Animal Behavior and Training Associates ABTA stands for Alberta Baton Twirling Association ABTA stands for […]


CNC stands for College of New Caledonia (Canada) CNC stands for Command and Conquer CNC stands for Computer Numerically Controlled CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control (manufacturing) CNC stands for Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (French cinematography center) CNC stands for Conseil National de la Communication (French: National Council for Communication) CNC […]


CN stands for Cartoon Network CN stands for Canadian National Railway CN stands for Connect (ITU-T) CN stands for Consultant CN stands for Core Network CN stands for Connector CN stands for Cyber Nations (web forum) CN stands for Comoros CN stands for Change Notice CN stands for Communications Network CN stands for Peoples’ Republic […]


CO stands for Company CO stands for Call-Out CO stands for Colombia CO stands for Change Order CO stands for Central Office (telecommunications/telephony) CO stands for Course C/O stands for Courtesy Of C/O stands for Cut Out CO stands for Cash Out (mortgage refinancing) CO stands for County CO stands for Conference CO stands for […]


CP stands for Control(ler) Processor CP stands for Corporation CP stands for Canadian Pacific (railroad) CP stands for Compare CP stands for Copy (Unix command) CP stands for Camp CP stands for Control Panel CP stands for Child Pornography CP stands for City Paper CP stands for Canadian Press CP stands for Constraint Programming CP […]


CR  stands for Copyright CR  stands for Credit CR  stands for Costa Rica CR  stands for Controlled Release (prescription drugs) CR  stands for Creek CR  stands for Consumer Reports CR  stands for Change Request CR  stands for Complete Response CR  stands for Carriage Return CR  stands for Cruise Control (automotive) CR  stands for Comprehensive Review […]


CSA  stands for Canadian Standards Association CSA  stands for Community Supported Agriculture CSA  stands for Czech Airlines (founded as Czechoslovak State Airlines; ICAO code) CSA  stands for Cisco Security Agent CSA  stands for Confederate States of America (from Civil War) CSA  stands for Canadian Securities Administrators CSA  stands for Canadian Space Agency CSA  stands for […]


CS  stands for Creative Suite (Adobe) CS  stands for Counter Strike CS  stands for Counter-Strike (game) CS  stands for Caught Stealing (Baseball) CS  stands for Core Systems CS  stands for Computer Science CS  stands for Computer Society CS  stands for Christian Science CS  stands for Case(s) CS  stands for Context Switch CS  stands for Computing […]