
Law, Binding Agreements.


CE  stands for Customer Edge (IETF RFC 2547) CE  stands for Custom Edition CE  stands for Chip Enable CE Continuing Education CE  stands for Compact Edition CE  stands for China Export CE  stands for Common Era (substitute for AD) CE  stands for Consumer Electronics CE  stands for Current Events CE  stands for Civil Engineering CE […]


CF  stands for Compact Flash (solid state memory technology) CF  stands for Cold Fusion (Allaire web application development product) CF  stands for Canadian Forces Center Field (Baseball) CF  stands for Copy(ies) Furnished CF  stands for Cystic Fibrosis CF  stands for Crossfire CF  stands for Configuration File CF  stands for Carbon Fiber CF  stands for Cash […]


CL  stands for Clear (Morse Code abbreviation) CL  stands for Class CL  stands for Chile (country code, top level domain) Champions’ League (Union of European Football Associations) CL  stands for CAS (Column Address Strobe) Latency CL  stands for Close(d) CL  stands for Claim CL  stands for Color CL  stands for Clearance CL  stands for Classification […]


CIP stands for Classification of Instructional Programs CIP stands for Clean-In-Place CIP stands for Capital Improvement Program CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection CIP stands for Capital Improvement Plan CIP stands for Center for International Policy (Washington, DC, USA) CIP stands for Canadian Institute of Planners (Urban Planners Professional Association) CIP stands for COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Improvement Program CIP stands for Christians in […]


CM  stands for Clinical Modification CM  stands for Commercial CM  stands for Center of Mass Championship Manager (Soccer computer game) CM  stands for Communications CM  stands for Common Mode CM  stands for Configuration Management CM  stands for Cooler Master (computer accessories manufacturer) CM  stands for Chemical CM  stands for Chief Minister CM  stands for Corporate […]


C&D stands for Construction and Demolition C&D stands for Concept & Design C&D stands for Cease and Desist (legal order) C&D stands for Construction and Development C&D stands for Course and Distance (horse racing) C&D stands for Charge and Discharge C&D stands for Controls and Displays C&D stands for Command and Display C&D stands for […]


CC stands for Community College CC stands for Credit Card CC stands for Clone Commander (Star Wars) CC stands for Car Club CC stands for Cheat Codes CC stands for Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO) CC stands for Cross Country CC stands for Columbia College (part of Columbia University, New York) CC stands for Character […]


CE stands for Customer Edge (IETF RFC 2547) CE stands for Custom Edition CE stands for Chip Enable CE stands for Continuing Education CE stands for Compact Edition CE stands for China Export CE stands for Common Era (substitute for AD) CE stands for Consumer Electronics CE stands for Current Events CE stands for Civil […]


CLAN stands for Cooperating Libraries Automated Network (Rhode Island Public Library consortium) CLAN stands for Children’s Legal Action Network (Kenya) CLAN stands for Colectivo Libre Aquiles Nazoa (Venezuelan student organization) CLAN stands for Cereals and Legumes Asia Network CLAN stands for Community Local Area Network CLAN stands for Cordless Local Area Network CLAN stands for […]


CM stands for Clinical Modification CM stands for Commercial CM stands for Center of Mass Championship Manager (Soccer computer game) CM stands for Communications CM stands for Common Mode CM stands for Configuration Management CM stands for Cooler Master (computer accessories manufacturer) CM stands for Chemical CM stands for Chief Minister CM stands for Corporate […]