
Law, Binding Agreements.


AAOC stands for Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts AAOC stands for Apartment Association of Orange County AAOC stands for Australian Army Ordnance Corps AAOC stands for Asociación Argentina de Oncología Clínica AAOC stands for Assemblée des Associations et Organismes Culturels AAOC stands for Amigos Agenda & OCLC Connection AAOC stands for Antacid of Choice AAOC stands for Arbitration Associates of Canada AAOC stands […]


AALJ stands for Association of Administrative Law Judges AALJ stands for Asian American Law Journal


AALL stands for American Association of Law Libraries (est. 1906; Chicago, IL) AALL stands for American Association for Labor Legislation (1905-1943) AALL stands for Asian American Law Librarians (est. 1988) AALL stands for Association for Academic Language and Learning (Australia) AALL stands for Automatic Analysis of Learner Language (Workshop) AALL stands for Albion Academy for […]


AALNC stands for American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants


AALP stands for Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (Ontario, Canada) AALP stands for ARM Assembly Language Programming AALP stands for American Association of Legal Publishers (Falls Church, VA) AALP stands for Anterior Atlantoaxial Locking Plate (biomechanics)


AALS stands for Association of American Law Schools AALS stands for American Association of Law Schools (Washington, DC) AALS stands for Adventure Activities Licensing Service AALS stands for Australian Association of Live Steamers AALS stands for Active Army Locator System AALS stands for Army Aviation Logistics School AALS stands for An Art Like Sound (est. […]