
Law, Binding Agreements.


BATDA stands for British American Tobacco Documents Archive (Guildford Depository; London, England, UK)


AHFI stands for Absolute Health and Fitness, Inc. (Carson City, NV) AHFI stands for Alston, Hunt, Floyd and Ing (law firm; Hawaii) AHFI stands for Alliance of the Holy Family International AHFI stands for Accredited Healthcare Fraud Investigator


AHD stands for Analog High Definition (cameras) AHD stands for Ahead AHD stands for American Heritage Dictionary AHD stands for Australian Height Datum AHD stands for Arrowhead AHD stands for Advanced Healthcare Directive (legal document) AHD stands for Airhead AHD stands for Academic Honors Diploma AHD stands for Alveolar Hydatid Disease AHD stands for Atherosclerotic Heart Disease AHD stands for Affordable Housing Directory (New York) AHD stands […]


BARJ stands for Balanced and Restorative Justice BARJ stands for Balanced Approach Restorative Justice (various locations) BARJ stands for Bergen Academy of Reform Judaism (New Jersey)


AGTLA stands for American Greedy Trial Lawyers Association (spoof)


CASAC stands for Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee CASAC stands for Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor CASAC stands for Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) CASAC stands for Companies and Securities Advisory Committee (Australia) CASAC stands for Community Action and Support against Crime (UK) CASAC stands for Custody and Support […]


CARPA stands for Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association CARPA stands for Caisse des Règlements Pécuniaires des Avocats du Barreau (French: Case of the Pecuniary Payments of Lawyers of the Bar)


CARPLS stands for Coordinated Advice and Referral Program for Legal Services