
Law, Binding Agreements.


CARL  stands for CART (Cloud and Radiation Testbed) Raman Lidar CARL  stands for Combined Arms Research Library (Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA) CARL  stands for Canadian Association of Research Libraries CARL  stands for Child Abuse Report Line (Australia) CARL  stands for Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (Philippines) CARL  stands for Sandburg Home National Historic Site (US National […]


CARJ stands for Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal CARJ stands for Catholic Association for Racial Justice (London, UK)


CARCLE stands for Congress Against Racism and Corruption in Law Enforcement (Washington, DC)


CARCC stands for Center for Aging Research and Clinical Care CARCC stands for Canadian Artists Representation Copyright Collective (est. 1990) CARCC stands for Child Advocacy Resource and Consultation Center (est. 1996; New York) CARCC stands for Caribbean Agricultural Research Coordinating Committee


CAPSL stands for Common Authentication Protocol Specification Language CAPSL stands for Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems Laboratory (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; University of Delaware; Newark, DE) CAPSL stands for Cannon Printing System Language CAPSL stands for Commonwealth Association of Public Sector Lawyers (Australia) CAPSL stands for Community Alternative Program for Suspended Learners (Canada)


CAPL  stands for Catastrophic Antiphospholipid Syndrome CAPL  stands for Career Planning CAPL  stands for Chevron Australia Pty Ltd. CAPL  stands for Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen CAPL  stands for Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon (foreign language learning) CAPL  stands for Canadian Association of Public Libraries CAPL  stands for Commissions Administratives Paritaires Locales CAPL  stands for Centre […]


DVLS stands for Delaware Volunteer Legal Services DVLS stands for Digital Video Library System (software)