
Law, Binding Agreements.


AFELA stands for Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys AFELA stands for Air Force Educational Leave of Absence


AFDU stands for Air Fighting Development Unit (Royal Air Force; UK) AFDU stands for Accessory Family Dwelling Unit (zoning law; Massachusetts and Rhode Island)


DSRP  stands for Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté (French: Document of Strategies to Reduce Poverty) DSRP  stands for Dealer Suggested Retail Price (automotive sales) DSRP  stands for Down Syndrome Research and Practice (journal) DSRP  stands for Defense Space Reconnaissance Program DSRP  stands for Drug Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae DSRP  stands for Dynamic Survivable […]


AFDA  stands for Alt.Fan.Douglas-Adams (USENET) AFDA  stands for Association of Federal Defense Attorneys AFDA  stands for Australian Funeral Directors Association AFDA  stands for A Few Days Ago AFDA  stands for Association Francaise des Arabisants AFDA  stands for American Food and Drug Administration AFDA  stands for Arkansas Development Finance Authority AFDA  stands for Allowance for Doubtful […]


AFCF stands for Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility (DOE project at Idaho National Lab) AFCF stands for Association des Femmes Chefs de Famille (French: Association of Women Heads of Family; Mauritania) AFCF stands for After Former Conviction of a Felony (criminal law) AFCF stands for Antibody-Forming Cell Focus (molecular biology)


DSLV stands for Deutscher Speditions- und Logistikverband DSLV stands for Deutscher Sportlehrerverband DSLV stands for Dissolve(d) DSLV stands for Deutscher SkiLehrer Verband DSLV stands for Domestic Safety Law Variations DSLV stands for Drugs Sex Language Violence


DSLA stands for Danley Sound Labs (various locations) DSLA stands for Deutsche Snoezelen Lehr-und Ausbildungsinstitute (German: Snoezelen German Educational and Training Institutes) DSLA stands for Diamond State Locksmith Association (Wilmington, DE) DSLA stands for Downey Savings and Loan Association (Newport Beach, CA) DSLA stands for Dah Sing Life Assurance (Hong Kong) DSLA stands for Dovetailed […]


AEVCS stands for Automated Eligibility Verification Claims Submission