
Law, Binding Agreements.


AER  stands for Annual Equivalent Rate AER  stands for Assembly of European Regions AER  stands for Army Emergency Relief AER  stands for Australian Energy Regulator AER  stands for Adler/Sochi (Russia) AER  stands for American Economic Review AER  stands for Alberta Energy Regulator (Alberta, Canada) AER  stands for Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind […]


AEPLAC stands for Armenian European Policy and Legal Advice Center


AEMJ stands for Asociacion Espanola de Mujeres Juristas (Spain: Spanish Association of Women Lawyers)


AELJ stands for Academy of Educational Leadership Journal (Allied Academies) AELJ stands for Arts and Entertainment Law Journal (Yeshiva University; New York, NY) AELJ stands for Atomic Energy Law Journal


AELIC stands for Access to Electronic Legal Information Committee (American Association of Law Libraries)


AELA stands for Australian Environmental Labelling Association AELA stands for Australian Equipment Lessors Association (est. 1986; Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) AELA stands for Aoraki English Language Academy (Aoraki Polytechnic; Timaru, New Zealand) AELA stands for Australia to Europe Liner Association AELA stands for Application of English Law Act AELA stands for American Law and […]


DSDA stands for Dual SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) Dual Active DSDA stands for Defence Storage & Distribution Agency (UK Ministry of Defence) DSDA stands for Développement de Sociétés de Distribution Automobile (French: Development of Automobile Distribution Companies) DSDA stands for Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, LLP (law firm; Oklahoma) DSDA stands for Darrell Schmitt Design […]