
Law, Binding Agreements.


AEDUM stands for Associação de Estudantes de Direito da Universidade do Minho (Portuguese: Law Students Association of the University of Minho)


AEDD stands for Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled AEDD stands for Arctic Environmental Data Directory (geological survey site for Arctic research) AEDD stands for Asociación Española De Derecho (Spanish: Spanish Association of Sports Law; Spain) AEDD stands for Area Effect Direct Damage (EverQuest online game) AEDD stands for Accreditation and Eligibility Determination Division (US […]


AEDD stands for Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled AEDD stands for Arctic Environmental Data Directory (geological survey site for Arctic research) AEDD stands for Asociación Española De Derecho (Spanish: Spanish Association of Sports Law; Spain) AEDD stands for Area Effect Direct Damage (EverQuest online game) AEDD stands for Accreditation and Eligibility Determination Division (US […]


DRZ stands for Diagonal Radioactive Zone DRZ stands for DePrince, Race & Zollo, Inc. (asset management company) DRZ stands for Disturbed Rock Zone DRZ stands for Deutsche Rechts Zeitschrift (German: German Law Journal) DRZ stands for Deep Reconnaissance Zone


ADWDC stands for Avoiding and Defending Wrongful Discharge Claims (legal database)


DRRA stands for Dutch Rocket Research Association (est. 1964) DRRA stands for Detroit River Regatta Association (Eastpointe, MI) DRRA stands for Diggers Rest Residents Association (Australia) DRRA stands for Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (Maryland) DRRA stands for Donaldson Run Recreation Association (Arlington, VA) DRRA stands for Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (Bangladesh) DRRA stands […]


DRRA stands for Dutch Rocket Research Association (est. 1964) DRRA stands for Detroit River Regatta Association (Eastpointe, MI) DRRA stands for Diggers Rest Residents Association (Australia) DRRA stands for Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (Maryland) DRRA stands for Donaldson Run Recreation Association (Arlington, VA) DRRA stands for Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association (Bangladesh) DRRA stands […]


DRR  stands for Disaster Risk Reduction DRR  stands for Document de Référence du Réseau (French: Network Reference Document; various locations) DRR  stands for Distributed Renewable Resources (green technology) DRR  stands for Deficit Round Robin DRR  stands for Digital Railroad DRR  stands for Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (UK) DRR  stands for Directorate of Rice Research (India) DRR […]


DRPI stands for Disability Rights Promotion International (Canada) DRPI stands for Digital Rod Position Indication System (nuclear energy) DRPI stands for Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle et de l’Internet (French: Law of Intellectual Property and the Internet)


DRPI stands for Disability Rights Promotion International (Canada) DRPI stands for Digital Rod Position Indication System (nuclear energy) DRPI stands for Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle et de l’Internet (French: Law of Intellectual Property and the Internet)