
Law, Binding Agreements.


DRPF stands for Droit des Personnes et de la Famille (French: Law of Persons and Family) DRPF stands for Decimal Reference Publication Format DRPF stands for Dynamic Relative Power Flatness (Agilent)


ADTA  stands for Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority ADTA  stands for Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (various locations) ADTA  stands for American Dance Therapy Association ADTA  stands for Access Data Transfer Assistant ADTA  stands for Association of Defense Trial Attorneys ADTA  stands for American Dental Trade Association ADTA  stands for Advisory Technical Assistance ADTA  stands for […]


ADSJ stands for Additional District and Sessions Judge (Pakistan) ADSJ stands for American Dog Show Judges


DRJ stands for Disaster Recovery Journal (business continuity planning) DRJ stands for Dispute Resolution Journal (law journal) DRJ stands for Deutsche Rugby-Jugend (German: Germany Youth Rugby) DRJ stands for Dental Research Journal (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences) DRJ stands for Dynamic Review Journal (digital medical library; orthopedics) DRJ stands for Data Requirement Justification


ADRO stands for Adaptive Dynamic Range Optimization (Dynamic Hearing Pty. Ltd.) ADRO stands for Application Development and Research Opportunity ADRO stands for Approved Domestic Relations Order ADRO stands for Academic Department of Radiation Oncology (University of Manchester; Manchester, England, UK) ADRO stands for Amended Domestic Relations Order (family law order)


DRLA stands for Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy (Tulane University; New Orleans, LA) DRLA stands for Dorset Residential Landlords Association (UK) DRLA stands for Division of Regulatory and Legal Affairs (US IHS) DRLA stands for Dual-Rhombic-Loop Antenna


ADRJ stands for Australian Dispute Resolution Journal (legal journal)


ADRL stands for American Drag Racing League ADRL stands for Assistant Director of Residence Life (colleges) ADRL stands for Automatic Distribution Requirements List ADRL stands for Air Date Required to Load ADRL stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution Lawyer ADRL stands for Assistant Dean for Residence Life (various locations)


ADRLJ stands for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal


ADOL stands for; ADOL Adolescence Directory On-Line ADOL Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory ( USDA Agricultural Research Service) ADOL Arkansas Department of Labor (Little Rock, AR) ADOL Adult and Organizational Learning (academic program; various institutions) ADOL Alaska Department of Law ADOL Alfred Dunhill of London, Inc.