
Law, Binding Agreements.


ACRLI stands for Arab Center for the Rule of Law and Integrity


DoRA stands for Division of Revenue Act (South Africa) DoRA stands for San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (American Society for Cell Biology; San Francisco, CA) DoRA stands for Dynamic Online Routing Algorithm DoRA stands for Digital Operating Room Assistant (hospitals) DoRA stands for Data Optimized Revision A DoRA stands for Department of Regulatory Agencies […]


DOPPA stands for; DOPPA stands for Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act (law) DOPPA stands for Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives


DoPI stands for Provincial Department of Planning and Investment (Ministry of Planning and Investment; Vietnam) DOPI stands for Delay on Pull-In (time delay relay) DOPI stands for Double 0 Aces, Pass 1 Ace (bridge) DOPI stands for Department of Planning and Infrastructure (Australia) DOPI stands for Destructive Open Package Inspection DOPI stands for Declaration of […]


DOPA stands for Dihydroxyphenylalanine DOPA stands for Direction de l’Organisation et du Personnel des Armées (French: Directorate of the Organization and Personnel of the Armed Forces; Benin) DOPA stands for Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006 DOPA stands for Department of Public Administration DOPA stands for Designated Official Planning Agency DOPA stands for Dairy Outreach […]


ACPIL stands for Advisory Committee on Private International Law ACPIL stands for Albany City Property Investments Limited (New Zealand)


ACPJ stands for Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice ACPJ stands for Austin Center for Peace and Justice (est. 2002; Austin, TX) ACPJ stands for Alianza Ciudadana Pro Justicia (Spanish: Citizens’ Alliance for Justice; Panama) ACPJ stands for Athlétique Club Paris Joinville (French: Paris-Joinville Athletic Club; Joinville-le-Pont, France) ACPJ stands for Albuquerque Center for Peace […]


ACPD  stands for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions ACPD  stands for Action Canada for Population and Development ACPD  stands for Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (US State Department) ACPD  stands for Aviation Consumer Protection Division ACPD  stands for Association Canadienne des Professeurs de Droit (French: Canadian Association of Law Teachers) ACPD  stands for Alternating Current […]


DOMC stands for Declaration of Mutual Confidence (International Organization of Legal Metrology) DOMC stands for Dirty Old Man’s Club DOMC stands for Division of Malaria Control (Nairobi, Kenya) DOMC stands for Defense of Marriage Coalition DOMC stands for De Ocampo Memorial Colleges DOMC stands for Dynamic Optimal Metabolic Control DOMC stands for Dynamically Optimized Monte […]