
Law, Binding Agreements.


DOMD stands for Duke of Mount Deer (TV show) DOMD stands for Disciple of My Disciple (Hare Krishna text) DOMD stands for Domestic Dispute (law enforcement) DOMD stands for Digital Orthophoto Map Database


DOMA stands for Defense of Marriage Act DOMA stands for Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (Trinidad and Tobago) DOMA stands for Dragons of Martial Arts


ACOPLA stands for Asian Community Outreach Program Legal Assistance (Legal Aid of Northwest Texas)


ACOD stands for Algemene Centrale der Openbare Diensten (Brussels, Belgium) ACOD stands for Adult Children Of Divorce ACOD stands for Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (NY law; criminal matter is dismissed after specific time) ACOD stands for Atlanta Council of Directors (Georgia) ACoD stands for A Constellation of Doubt (book) ACOD stands for Actual Cost […]


ACMIE stands for Agricultural Construction Mining and Industrial Equipment (professional legal association)


ACMA  stands for Australian Communications and Media Authority ACMA  stands for Academy of Country Music Awards ACMA  stands for American Composites Manufacturers Association ACMA  stands for Aruba Certified Mobility Associate ACMA  stands for Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India ACMA  stands for Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials (journal) ACMA  stands for Australasian Computer Music […]


DNTA stands for Do Not Throw Away DNTA stands for Deputy National Taxpayer Advocate (US IRS) DNTA stands for David N. Townsend & Associates (Swampscott, MA) DNTA stands for Dundee-Nablus Twinning Association (sister city organization; est. 1980)


YWLS stands for Young Workers Legal Service (Wayville, Australia)