
Law, Binding Agreements.


DLRPC stands for Delaware Lawyers’ Rules of Professional Conduct


DLRM stands for Délirium (French band) DLRM stands for Doctors and Lawyers for Responsible Medicine


DLRA  stands for Drug Law Reform Act DLRA  stands for Dry Lakes Racers Australia DLRA  stands for Dorset Lake Residents’ Association (UK) DLRA  stands for Department of Lands and Rural Affairs (Australia) DLRA  stands for Detailed Level Risk Assessment DLRA  stands for Dirt Legends Racing Association DLRA  stands for Distance Learning Readiness Assessment DLRA  stands […]


YJS stands for Youth Justice System (UK) YJS stands for Yale Judaica Series (Yale University; New Haven, CT) YJS stands for Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (Yemen) YJS stands for York Japan Society (UK) YJS stands for Yale Journal of Sociology YJS stands for Yateley Junior Singers (UK)


YJS stands for Youth Justice System (UK) YJS stands for Yale Judaica Series (Yale University; New Haven, CT) YJS stands for Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (Yemen) YJS stands for York Japan Society (UK) YJS stands for Yale Journal of Sociology YJS stands for Yateley Junior Singers (UK)


DLPN stands for D’Agostine, Levine, Parra & Netburn (law firm; Acton, MA) DLPN stands for Dollar Linked Peso Notes (also seen as DLPNs; Philippines)


DLPN stands for D’Agostine, Levine, Parra & Netburn (law firm; Acton, MA) DLPN stands for Dollar Linked Peso Notes (also seen as DLPNs; Philippines)


DLOP stands for Dismissed for Lack of Prosecution (law) DLOP stands for Deemed to Be Let Out Property (real estate designation) DLOP stands for Detection Limit of the Overall Procedure DLOP stands for Disturbed Line Of Sight DLOP stands for Divisible Load Overweight Permit (New York)


DLOP stands for Dismissed for Lack of Prosecution (law) DLOP stands for Deemed to Be Let Out Property (real estate designation) DLOP stands for Detection Limit of the Overall Procedure DLOP stands for Disturbed Line Of Sight DLOP stands for Divisible Load Overweight Permit (New York)