
Law, Binding Agreements.


DLBS stands for Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin-Stiftung DLBS stands for Driving Lesson Booking Service (UK) DLBS stands for Dynamic Load Balancing Service (computing) DLBS stands for Defense Lawyer Blind Spot (legal slang)


DLC stands for Down (Stage) Left Center DLC stands for Downloadable Content (Xbox Live) DLC stands for Democratic Leadership Council DLC stands for Diamond-Like Carbon DLC stands for Distance Learning Center (telecourses) DLC stands for Data Link Control (protocol) DLC stands for DesignLights Consortium (commercial sector lighting solutions) DLC stands for Digital Loop Carrier DLC […]


DLAC stands for Disability Law & Advocacy Center (Tennessee) DLAC stands for Dose Liminaire d’Acétylcholine (French: Liminal Dose of Acetylcholine) DLAC stands for Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education) DLAC stands for Distributed Learning and Collaboration DLAC stands for Distance Learning Aviation Course DLAC stands for Delay Account of …. DLAC stands […]


YIL stands for Yesterday I Learned YIL stands for Yahoo! Internet Life YIL stands for Yearbook of International Law (various countries) YIL stands for Yamanouchi Iguana Laboratory (photo blog; Japan)


YILC stands for Yearbook of the International Law Commission (various locations) YILC stands for Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst (New York) YILC stands for Young in-House Lawyers Committee (Association of Corporate Counsel) YILC stands for Yogyakarta Indonesia Language Centre (now Wisma Bahasa Indonesian and Javanese Language Course)


YIEL stands for Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Oxford University Press)


YIEL stands for Yearbook of International Environmental Law (Oxford University Press)


YIAG stands for Young International Arbitration Group (London Court of International Arbitration; UK) YIAG stands for Youth Independent Advisory Group (UK)


DKLKH stands for Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert (Honolulu, HI; law firm)