
Law, Binding Agreements.


YCBA stands for Yale Center for British Art YCBA stands for Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association (UK) YCBA stands for York County Bar Association (Pennsylvania) YCBA stands for Yellowstone County Bar Association (Montana) YCBA stands for Yavapai County Bar Association (est. 1955; Arizona) YCBA stands for York County Beekeepers Association (York, SC)


YBOM stands for Yolanda Busse Oehen Mendes (Portuguese Law Office)


YBPA stands for Young Black Positive Advocates (London, England, UK)


YBILC stands for Yearbook of the International Law Commission


YAL stands for Young Arab Leaders (Dubai, UAE) YAL stands for Young Americans for Liberty YAL stands for Young Adult Literature YAL stands for Young Adult League YAL stands for Youth Activities League YAL stands for Yet Another Language YAL stands for Alert Bay Airport (Canada airport code) YAL stands for Young Australia League (Perth, […]


DIRMA stands for Diretoria de Marcas (Trademark Directorate; Intellectual Property, Brazil) DIRMA stands for Digital Impulse Radio Multiple Access


YADL stands for Young Americans for Diplomatic Leadership (Arlington, VA) YADL stands for Yet Another DMCA Lawsuit (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)


DIPM stands for Des Idées pour Maman (French: Ideas for Mom) DIPM stands for Document Individuel de Protection des Majeurs (French: Document Protection of Individual Major) DipM stands for Diploma in Marketing (Uk Institute of Marketing) DIPM stands for Device Initiated Power Management (SATA hard disk drive) DIPM stands for Deutsche Indianer Pionier Mission (German: […]