
Law, Binding Agreements.


DIPJ stands for Declaração de Informações Econômico-Fiscais da Pessoa Jurídica (Portuguese: Statement of Economic and Tax Information of Legal Entities; Brazil) DIPJ stands for Distal Interphalangeal Joint DIPJ stands for Directions Interrégionales de la Police Judiciaire (French: Interregional Directorates of the Judicial Police)


ACLR stands for Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (1900-1967) ACLR stands for Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio ACLR stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction ACLR stands for American Criminal Law Review (Georgetown University Law Center publication) ACLR stands for Armored Core Last Raven (video game) ACLR stands for Amateur Cross Link Repeater ACLR stands for Athlétic […]


ACLJ stands for American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ stands for Appleseed Center for Law and Justice (Washington, DC)


ACLL stands for Archive of Celtic Latin Literature ACLL stands for Anti-Corn-Law League (UK) ACLL stands for Atypical Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia ACLL stands for Allegheny County Law Library (Pittsburgh, PA) ACLL stands for Alameda County Law Library (Oakland, CA) ACLL stands for Amsterdam Circle for Law and Language


ACLPI stands for Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest


ACLE stands for Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics (Netherlands) ACLE stands for All China Leather Exhibition (trade show) ACLE Associazione Culturale Linguistica Educational (Italian study camps) ACLE stands for Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (education) ACLE stands for Association for Continuing Legal Education ACLE stands for Alarm and Control Enhanced (NEC)


ACLEA stands for Association of Continuing Legal Education Administrators (Austin, TX)


ACLEC stands for Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct (UK) ACLEC stands for Anita C. Leight Estuary Center (Maryland)


ACLED stands for Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (foreign civil war dataset) ACLED stands for Association of Canadian Legal Education Directors