
Law, Binding Agreements.


ACJC stands for Arizona Criminal Justice Commission ACJC stands for Anglo-Chinese Junior College (Singapore) ACJC stands for Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians (est. 2005) ACJC stands for Airbus Corporate Jet Centre ACJC stands for Advisory Committee on Job Corps (Workforce Investment Act of 1998) ACJC stands for Anoka County Juvenile Center (Minnesota)


DIIIP  stands for Database on International Intellectual Property


ACIHL stands for Arab Center for International Humanitarian Law


ACIJ  stands for Australian Centre for Independent Journalism ACIJ  stands for Arbitration Court of International Justice (UN) ACIJ  stands for Assistant Chief Immigration Judge (US DOJ) ACIJ  stands for African Caribbean Institute of Jamaica


ACIJLP stands for Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession


DIH stands for Droit International Humanitaire (International Humanitarian Law) DIH stands for Derecho Internacional Humanitario (International Humanitarian Law) DIH stands for Digital Innovation Hubs (European) DIH stands for Deutsche Industrie Holding (German: German Industrial Holding) DIH stands for Détachement d’Intervention Héliporté (French: Posting Heliport Intervention) DIH stands for Days in Hell DIH stands for Digital […]


DIFP stands for Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration (Missouri) DIFP stands for Documents on Irish Foreign Policy (Ireland) DIFP stands for Département Interdisciplinaire de Formation Professionnelle (French: Interdisciplinary Department of Vocational Training; Madagascar) DIFP stands for Differential Ion Flux Probe DIFP stands for Droit Individuel a la Formation Professionnelle (French: Individual Right […]


ACGL stands for Arch Capital Group Ltd. ACGL stands for American Canadian Grand Lodge (Brotherhood of Freemasons) ACGL stands for Automobile Corporation of Goa Limited ACGL stands for Agnew Consulting Group Limited (Canada) ACGL stands for Absolute Capital Group Limited (Australia) ACGL stands for Alternative County Government Law


ACGWPA stands for Agricultural Chemical Ground Water Protection Act (Montana)


DIEM stands for Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (Finland) DIEM stands for Danish Institute of Electroacoustic Music DIEM stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Meccaniche, Nucleari, Aeronautiche e di Metallurgia (Italian: Mechanical Engineering Department) DIEM stands for Droit et Immigration Europe-Maghreb (French: Immigration Law and Europe-Maghreb) DIEM stands for Dansk Institut for Elektronisk […]